Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Office!

My office is where I spend most of my time. Most people here work 6 days a week for a total of 54-70 hours. I work Monday -Saturday and have Sundays off. I share my office with 3 other people. Curtis-Housing Manager, Sheryl- Rooms Coordinator, Me-Housing Assistant, and Justin- Janitorial Supervisor. It gets a little crowded in here sometimes, but we all make it work.

Erin and Jason work across the hall. Jason's desk is the one right behind Erin's. (Please note the insane pictures of Robert Pattinson on Erin's desk....yes, they have been there all season. I took one special picture of the poster that is by far my favorite.

I also wanted to show everyone the bulletin board that Erin works on constantly. This is the Recreation Board. It has every event for the week on it. Often you see people standing in the middle of the hall just staring, deciding what they want to do. And to be honest, this is the least crowded that Ive seen the board, usually the events trail down to ground and start overlapping each other. Erin stays pretty busy keeping this thing accurate. I also included a picture on the Housing Board, that happens to be right next to the Rec Board. I realized early on that my board will never look as cool as hers, so I have kept it nice and simple with only interesting bits of Housing information. Hands down, Erin's Board beats mine into the ground.

Happy work week everyone!

-Autumn :)

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